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Turn the Eldest Seismograms into the Teseo2 is a software tool for quick and accurate digitization of seismogram traces from raster files. This is the official web site of the Teseo2, and contains information about downloading, installing, using, and enhancing it. Teseo2 is developed in respect to the "Open-Source" philosophy and it is freely distributed under GPL license. It is cross-platform and the sources, and some binaries for Linux, Windows and Mac OS X are provided by this Website and GitHub. Teseo2 is a plug-in for GIMP. The GIMP is the GNU Image Manipulation Program. It is a freely distributed piece of software for such tasks as photo retouching, image composition and image authoring. It works on many operating systems, in many languages. Teseo2 is part of Sismos project at Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (Italy) The current stable version is 2.2.0.
Teseo 2.2.0 release 2018-03-24
Teseo2 source code is available on https://github.com/INGV/teseo2/releases/tag/v2.2.0
Teseo 2.1.0 release 2011-10-31After few years of remote cooperation, we are very glad to have had a fruitful meeting with the Director of Seismology Division H.P. Shukla and officers from India Meteorological Department (I.M.D.) and from the private company S.A.T.A. which supports I.M.D. in the Seismogram Digitization Project. The meeting has been organized by SISMOS and took place on October, 3rd - 11th. During the meeting, IMD and SATA have exposed the current status of their project and the workflow they followed to digitize approximately 3000 seismic traces using Teseo2. They pointed out the experienced difficulties using Teseo2, they reported a bug in path resampling and suggested possible improvements and new features. We are grateful to all people involved who forced us (one more time :) to release this new version of Teseo. Matteo Quintiliani & Stefano Pintore
Download: teseo-2.1.0.tar.gz (file README)
Open issues for possible future developments:
Teseo 2.0.16-no_gtkdatabox release 2010-11-12![]()
Teseo 2.0.16-no_gtkdatabox is now officially released. Download: teseo-2.0.16-no_gtkdatabox.tar.gz The current tarball allows to compile teseo-2.0.16 for gimp-2.x, avoiding of compiling also the old version of gtkdatabox that is no longer compatible with the current versions of gtk-2.x. Even though you will be able to insert all the parameters in order to completely accomplish to the Curvature Correction under the process of Post-analysis, the two gtkDataBox graphical displays for "Arm Shift" and "Slopes" will not be visible anymore from teseo-2. All other features of teseo-2 have been preserved. Unfortunately, upgrading teseo-2 in order to use one of the newer versions of gtkdatabox it is a little bit hard and long, if you would be interested in doing that, please contact the authors. Curvature correction: how does it work? Read this paper! 2007-04-13![]()
Source history of the 1905 great Mongolian earthquakes (Tsetserleg, Bolnay)
Teseo2 for dummies - Tutorial by Daniel Amorese 2007-03-06![]()
This document is a short step by step tutorial on how to use simply Teseo2 to vectorize historical seismograms. Teseo 2.0.16 release 2007-02-09![]() Teseo 2.0.16 is now officially released. -- (file README)
Teseo 2.0.14 release 2007-01-22![]() Teseo 2.0.14 is now officially released. -- (file README)
Teseo 2.0.12 release 2006-08-03![]() Teseo 2.0.12 is now officially released. -- (file README)
Teseo 2.0.10 release 2006-04-17![]() Teseo 2.0.10 is now officially released. -- (file README)
Teseo at 2006 SSA Annual Meeting 2006-04-03![]() 100th Anniversary 1906 San Francisco Earthquake Conference A poster about Teseo is presented at the Seismological Society of America Annual Meeting on April the 18th, in the special session One Hundred Years and More: Historical Instruments and their Recordings of Earthquakes The poster is available in pdf format. Teseo poster.
Teseo 2.0.8 release 2005-10-13![]() Teseo 2.0.8 is now officially released.
Teseo: a vectoriser of historical seismograms ...published 2005-10-11![]()
The paper will be published on December 2005. Teseo 2.0.7 beta release 2005-09-19![]() Beta version 2.0.7 of Teseo2 is now officially released. It will be presented at the 1st Workshop on the Digital Vectorization of Historical Seismograms and it is available from http://teseo.rm.ingv.it/pub/teseo. 1st Workshop on the Digital Vectorization of Historical Seismograms 2005-06-20![]() 20-23 September, 2005 - Grottaminarda (AV), Italy
Historical seismograms vectorization is of primary importance for the reanalysis of past earthquakes using modern approaches. This is important in order to refine earthquake size and mechanism and, in general, for the reappraisal of seismic hazard. In the past years, INGV-Sismos personnel has developed the Teseo2 software for seismogram vectorization (Pintore et al, in press). Recently, a new version of the software named Teseo2, has been developed. Teseo2 has been found very effective in performing vectorization from raster, high-resolution, seismogram records images. In addition, this new version is available on a variety of operating system platforms (Unix-like, Mac OS X and Windows ). Teseo2 is an open source development project. The aim of this workshop is to introduce the participants to the use of Teseo2 for seismogram vectorization. This effort is integral part of the "EuroSeismos project" supported by the European Seismological Commission working group on "History and Data of Instrumental Seismology". The participants that would like to bring their own record raster images are recommended to contact the organizers. (more ...) Teseo: a vectoriser of historical seismograms ...in press 2005-06-15![]() Pintore S., Quintiliani M., Franceschi D. (2005) Teseo: a vectoriser of historical seismograms. Computers & Geosciences, In Press, Corrected Proof, Available online 16 June 2005. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.cageo.2005.04.001 Download Pdf manuscript |