
Teseo2 for Unix

Getting and Installing the Teseo2

There are various ways to obtain and install the Teseo2 for Unix systems. In addition to the source code distribution here on sismos.rm.ingv.it, you can get binaries for various flavors of Unix.

At the moment we offer the following binary packages for Teseo2 on Unix. These binaries are provided by Teseo2 users. We did not test them; use at your own risk.

  • GNU/Linux
  • BSD
    • Darwin (Mac OS X tarball distribution)

If you cannot find a pre-compiled package of Teseo2 for your system, you can build and install the Teseo2 from the source code.


Teseo2 works on any Linux distribution where GIMP has been installed. the following is a list of what you will need to run the Teseo2 on your system:

For the stable version (2.0):

Note that if you compile and install the Teseo2 from sources, you will need the header files for the required libraries. On some Linux systems, these header files are usually included in a separate package using the suffix -devel. So for example, you will need the packages gimp and gimp-devel if you want to build the Teseo2.

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